
PM International Suppliers Fits SAP Business One to Future-Proof its Business

  • Company: PM International Suppliers
  • Location: Florida, USA
  • Industry: ​Manufacturing, Industrial components
  • Products & Services: Pipe and fittings, tubing, valves, flanges, bars and sheet metals
  • Employees:​ 17
  • Need: ERP for industrial components manufacturers
  • Solution: SAP Business One

“SAP gives people more power to do their job. Everyone now has an instant overview of all elements related to a project. That’s been a real savings for our company – and would have been extremely time consuming to find out using our previous system.”

Joanie Malone, Controller, PM International Suppliers

PM International Suppliers is a global provider of pipes, tubing, valves, metal fittings and forgings for the energy, chemical and aerospace industries, among others. SAP Business One has streamlined end-to-end operations, reduced the time taken to produce reports and helped PM become a more agile business. The implementation, led by partner N’ware, ran so smoothly that PM’s parent company and five other subsidiaries are now migrating to SAP as well.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • NetSuite contract expired, and PM was looking for a more cost-effective alternative to cover their needs
  • Needed to integrate end-to-end processes – not just financials – across departments and different locations

Why N’ware & SAP Business One for Industrial Components Manufacturers

  • SAP Business One came highly recommended and is a global, accredited system
  • N’ware’s understanding of PM’s processes and requirements as far as ERP for a manufacturing company and commitment to a very tight implementation timeframe, which was successfully met
  • Needed a proven ERP for manufacturers of industrial components

Creating Value

  • Integration and automation features provided by SAP accelerated the order fulfilment and accounting processes
  • Agility: a custom query can provide three times as much information as NetSuite reports
  • Instant access to accurate business data overview with features like the relationship map, providing an overview of all outstanding items related to a specific project or client
  • Cloud-based solution provides a remote access to the SAP system from anywhere and at any time
  • Based on the project success, the parent company, along with five other subsidiaries will shortly be moving onto SAP platform too
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